With over 200,000 hotels and 17 million guest suites in a worldwide hospitality industry worth upwards of seven trillion pounds, it’s safe to say that finding top-notch accommodations without breaking the bank along the way is much easier said than done. Additionally, 2017-2018 will feature upwards of one billion (yes, that’s billion with a “b”) international travellers, which means you’ll also have to compete with hoards of eager holiday planners and fervent jetsetters for the best rooms.

Therefore, since the global hospitality sector is fully saturated and teeming with less-than-reputable lodging options, travellers are left to rely on disingenuous hotel portrayals, embellished online advertisements, retouched photographs, and overstated amenity listings to aid in the booking process, an exercise in futility if there ever was one. These largely deceptive marketing practices make perfect sense, however, especially when taking into account the fact that 80% of vacationers prefer booking rooms online as opposed to working with travel agents.

As a result, the onus is on you to circumvent these advertising ploys and promotional schemes by reaching out to a reputable hotel review website, ideally one with an in-house luxury accommodation specialisation. This brief article will explain why this crucial step is so important.

Impartial Professional Reviews

Regardless of whether you happen to be searching for luxury hotel offers, cruise reviews, or nuanced holiday critiques, these professional review sites do not work with resort advertisers, cruise promoters, or any other individuals that have ulterior motives. Simply stated, you’ll be able to glean unbiased testimonials and first-hand accounts created by some of the most knowledgeable travel experts in the entire world:

  • Former hotel advisers
  • Retired resort sales directors
  • Aviation counsellors
  • Professional cruise aficionados
  • Public relations specialists
  • Renowned hotel and resort consultants

These individuals have been in the business for many years, and have visited countless prominent hotspots, which means they know exactly what to look out for and how to assess any type of resort, tavern, inn, or cruise with a keen eye.

Extensive Network of Luxury Holiday Options

Irrespective of whether you wish to go snorkelling, sightseeing, hiking, or shopping in a popular commercial centre, these luxury review organisations specialise in maintaining far-reaching databases of targeted reviews replete with everything you need to know prior to booking your getaway. From the local eateries and attractions to the historical sites, available tours, travel options, and of course, the actual hotels themselves, you’ll be able to assess and evaluate various holiday options in the following destinations:

  • Asian hotspots such as Thailand
  • Australia’s Great Outback
  • Various Caribbean holiday sites, ranging from Anguilla and St. Barths to the Dominican Republic and even Barbados
  • African countries, from Morocco to Kenya and beyond
  • Numerous European destinations, including Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, just to name a few
  • The Middle Eastern gem of Dubai
  • …and plenty more to come

Exclusive Membership

Plus, you’ll also be able to avail yourself of lucrative email updates, bonus offers, and an easy-to-use enquiry portal to help plan your next holiday excursion, not to mention the fact that you’ll be able to share pictures, video clips, and holiday stories with a multitude of international travellers. All you have to do is sign up for a dedicated membership to join this lively online community.

Obtaining instructive luxury reviews without all of the hoi polloi thrown into the mix just got a whole lot easier!